What is ULEZ Exempt? and How to Apply for ULEZ Exemption

ULEZ charge is a crucial part of London’s commitment to environmental sustainability. However, not all who travel these historic roads are subject to this charge. In fact, some drivers and vehicles are eligible for at least a temporary 100% discount, while others might find themselves entirely exempt from the ULEZ charge.

In this guide, we explain ULEZ exemption and how to apply for it. Whether you own a vehicle or care about the environment, we’ll help you understand the rules and steps involved.

What Is ULEZ Exemption?

ULEZ Exemption means your vehicle doesn’t need to pay the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) charge when traveling within the zone. Vehicles that meet certain standards for emissions, along with vehicles used by or for disabled individuals, and some other special categories, can qualify for this exemption.

The main goal of the ULEZ exemption is to encourage the use of cleaner vehicles, which helps lower harmful emissions and make the city air cleaner.

Authorities offer exemptions to encourage people to switch to low-emission vehicles and support sustainable transportation.

To qualify for ULEZ exemption, vehicles need to meet strict criteria, usually based on emission standards and vehicle type.

For example, vehicles meeting Euro 6 standards for diesel engines or Euro 4 standards for petrol engines are often eligible for exemption.

Also, electric vehicles (EVs) and some plug-in hybrid vehicles that produce very little or no tailpipe emissions may qualify for exemption.

ULEZ exemption is really important for vehicle owners in affected areas. It saves them money because they don’t have to pay fees for going into or driving in the ULEZ zone every day.

This exemption can save a lot of money, especially for people or businesses with many vehicles in the ULEZ areas.

Also, the ULEZ exemption helps achieve bigger environmental goals. It allows vehicle owners to improve the air and reduce their impact on nature.

Types of Vehicles and People That May Qualify For ULEZ Exemption

Certain drivers and vehicles may be eligible for a temporary 100% discount from the Ultra Low Emission Zone charge, while some may qualify for complete exemption.

1. Petrol cars that meet Euro 4 standards

These are usually vehicles registered after January 2006. Euro 4 standards set strict limits on emissions like carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides (NOx), making these cars much cleaner than older models.

2. Diesel cars meeting Euro 6 standards

These are usually diesel vehicles registered after September 2015. Euro 6 standards require lower levels of NOx and particulate matter emissions, which helps make the air cleaner.

3. Hybrid cars meeting Euro 4 or Euro 6 standards

Hybrid vehicles with engines meeting either Euro 4 or Euro 6 standards can get ULEZ exemption. These cars use a mix of an internal combustion engine and an electric motor, which lowers emissions compared to regular petrol or diesel vehicles.

4. Electric cars

Fully electric vehicles don’t emit anything from their tailpipes, so they don’t have to pay ULEZ charges. As more people use electric cars, they help a lot in cutting down air pollution and making city air better.

5. Vehicles for disabled drivers and passengers

Some vehicles modified for disabled drivers or passengers might be exempt from ULEZ charges. These modifications could include things like wheelchair lifts or other changes needed for accessibility.

6. Vintage cars over 40 years old

Classic cars that are over 40 years old and registered as historic vehicles with the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) don’t have to pay ULEZ charges. This exemption recognizes their rare use and historical importance.

7. Hackney Carriages

Licensed black cabs in London, known as Hackney Carriages, don’t have to pay ULEZ charges. These taxis go through strict emissions tests and must meet standards set by Transport for London to have a low environmental impact.

8. NHS Patient

People who are NHS patients and have been clinically assessed as too ill to travel to their appointments via public transport may qualify for an exemption from the ULEZ charge in London.

In such cases, patients may be eligible to claim back any ULEZ charge or Congestion Charge they paid directly from their treating hospital.

9. Showman’s vehicles

Vehicles used by showmen don’t have to pay a fee to drive in certain parts of the city with really low emissions. Showmen are people who travel around, putting on fun stuff like circuses, carnivals, or fairs.

To be exempt from the fee, the vehicle has to meet some rules. First, it has to belong to someone who’s actually a showman. The person needs to be in the entertainment business for real.

Also, these vehicles need to be set up in a special way for the showbiz. They might have changed or been built differently to do their job in the entertainment world.

10. Additional vehicles exempted

  • Vehicles designed for agricultural use
  • Vehicles used by the military
  • Vehicles not typically designated for road use but permitted on highways (such as excavators)
  • Specific models of mobile cranes

How To Check If You Are Eligible for ULEZ Exemption

To see if your vehicle can get ULEZ exemption, you need to know the rules set by authorities. Here’s a detailed guide on the criteria and how to check if you’re eligible:

1. Check your vehicle’s emissions

Check if your vehicle meets the emission standards needed for exemption.

2. Use the ULEZ online checker

Use the ULEZ vehicle checker tool. Enter your vehicle’s registration number online. The tool will tell you if your vehicle is exempt from ULEZ charges based on its emissions standards.

3. Consult the TFL

If you’re not sure about your vehicle’s eligibility or have questions, contact TfL directly. They can help you based on your vehicle and situation.

How to Apply for ULEZ Exemption

Your vehicle is automatically exempt from the ULEZ if it has a historic vehicle tax class or was registered before 1 January 1973. UK-registered vehicles do not need to register for exemption, as they are automatically exempt.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the exemption registration if your vehicle is registered outside the UK;

1. Create a London Road user charging account

If your vehicle meets the exemption criteria but is registered outside the UK, create a free London Road User Charging Account with Transport for London. Have your vehicle registration document (V5C or foreign equivalent) ready to upload. This document is necessary to prove your vehicle’s eligibility for the exemption.

After creating the London Road User charging account, you can now register your veteran vehicle for exemption from the ULEZ fee.

You’ll get a Customer ID, Password, and PIN.

2. Register your vehicle for exemption

After setting up your TfL account, proceed to register your vehicle for exemption from the ULEZ charges. Go to the ULEZ vehicle registration page here,

  • Click on ‘Register your vehicle’, and follow the prompt to ‘Start’ the registration process.
  • Choose ‘A vehicle that is exempt from the schemes’ and continue.
  • Enter your vehicle registration number and select ‘Non-UK’ under the country of registration to find your vehicle.
  • Confirm the vehicle details when prompted.
  • When the system indicates it does not hold details for your vehicle, confirm it’s the correct vehicle and continue.

Since your vehicle is exempt due to its historic status, select the option that indicates your vehicle is exempt because it’s a historic vehicle. Do not select ‘registered outside the UK’ as this is intended for modern vehicles.

3. Upload proof of vehicle’s age

Sign in using your London Road User Charging Account credentials provided earlier. You’ll need to upload your vehicle’s registration document as proof of its age and historic status.

Follow any further instructions provided to complete the registration process.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What diesel cars are exempt from ULEZ?

Diesel cars exempt from ULEZ charges meet Euro 6 standards. These are typically cars (and vans) made after September 2015, emitting no more than 0.5g of CO per kilometer.

2. Are disabled drivers exempt from ULEZ?

Disabled individuals with vehicles registered as ‘disabled’ or ‘disabled passenger vehicles’ with the DVLA get a grace period. They’re exempt from paying the ULEZ charge until October 24, 2027.