The 2030 Diesel Ban – Everything You Need to Know

For those following the news, it may come as no surprise that the government has brought forward their “road to zero” plans. In an attempt to combat the growing emissions levels that the UK has come to see, “the green industrial revolution” is now set for 2030. 

With London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone at the forefront of Johnson’s plans, there is an urgency in the motor industry unseen before. In an attempt to kickstart the electric car market, the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 looks more feasible. 

Finding yourself drowning under all the new information? Here’s everything you need to know about the UK’s 2030 diesel ban:

The clock is ticking

Before Boris Johnson’s latest announcement, the UK was looking at the new sales of diesel and petrol cars coming to a head in 2040, and then 2035. With the growing pressures surrounding the global environmental crisis, the PM has moved this ban to 2030. Unlike before, time is swiftly running out if you had plans to upgrade your current vehicle. 

Electric and hydrogen-fueled vehicles are at the centre of the plan. Even with the current heavy guidelines, where the Euro 6 emissions standards are enough to avoid the ULEZ charge, post-2030, you will need to rethink your vehicle completely. 

Unlike before, when London was at the centre of the emerging Climate Change proposals, the nation as a whole will be feeling the impact. Now more than ever, it’s worth getting ahead of the game to see where your current vehicle fits into the plans. 

Electric vehicle (EV) investment plans

Currently, there are just over 30,000 charging points up and down the UK roads. With this in mind, the PM has announced a £1.3bn investment into building a worthwhile electric focused infrastructure across the nation. 

In a push to make EV’s more accessible to the public, grants are being upped to an astronomical £582m to help with the transition. Battery manufacture has also gained an extra £500m in funding to make these plans a reality. 

The UK motoring industry has raised concerns over the scale of the challenge, but with the PM in charge, technology is in a race against the clock to keep up with the current demands. 

If you are a London resident, a scrappage scheme has been available since the introduction of the ULEZ in 2019. 

Will my Euro 6 standard vehicle still be allowed?

Vehicles that currently meet the required Euro 6 or 6d standards pass the ULEZ expectations. They are the highest standards ever set for diesel-powered cars in motoring history. 

Post-2030, even this won’t be enough to avoid charges on some of the UK roads. 

The government has said plainly that only the sale of new electric or hydrogen-fuelled cars will be allowed on UK roads. So anything that falls outside of that criteria will likely face higher road tax and toll fees. 

Why is there a diesel ban?

In short, toxic nitrous oxides (NOX) and particulate matter (PM) are causing severe harm to the environment, as well as the vulnerable and young in our communities. The harmful pollutants are proven to impact those with respiratory and lung problems, as well as affect life expectancy. 

Within London alone, millions of car journeys are made daily to the point that London declared a public health crisis due to emissions. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every Londoner in the capital lives in an area exceeding the guidelines for the most dangerous toxic particles. 

Long-term exposure to air pollution is causing thousands of premature deaths in the city alone. It has been reported that around half of road transport emissions in the city are made up of NOx. With this in mind, the Mayor of London and the government cut to the heart of the matter – diesel consumption in the UK is responsible for a significant amount of the country’s emissions problems. 

Will the ban work?

Only time itself will truly show us what effect banning diesel will have on our roads. Like the introduction of ULEZ, the fresh plans to tackle the UK’s emissions have been met with controversy from their inception. 

The Green Party MP Caroline Lucas has said that the £4bn allocations will not be sufficient “to make this a really strategic package.” Whereas, the CEO of SSE Alistair Phillips-Davies is pleased to “see this level of ambition from the government.” But if we are to take a stand in the zero-emissions game, then a significant shift in the emissions industry is needed. 

Ready for the diesel ban? If like us, you are unsure what to do with your current vehicle, take a look at our helpful guides page for more information.