Is My Car ULEZ Compliant? – Here is How To Check

ULEZ rules are a big move to cut pollution in London boroughs, including London city. They target vehicles that don’t meet clean air standards.

Knowing if your vehicle follows ULEZ rules is the best for a few reasons. If your vehicle doesn’t meet the standards, you might have to pay fines when you enter ULEZ zone.

This post will give you a detailed guide on checking if your car follows ULEZ rules.

We’ll discuss different methods and tools you can use to find out if your vehicle meets the standards. This will help you be ready and know what to do when you drive in ULEZ areas.

How To Check If Your Car Is ULEZ Compliant

1. Use our free ULEZ checker

Use our free ULEZ vehicle compliant checker to see if your vehicle follows the rules.

  • Visit our free ULEZ checker page here
  • Enter your vehicle registration number (VRM) into the checker box.
  • Click Check Compliance
  • You’ll quickly find out if your car meets the standards.

It’s easy and convenient, and it takes just 5 seconds.

2. Use the TFL vehicle checker

You can use the Transport for London (TfL) Vehicle Checker tool to see if your car is safe to drive in London. This online tool helps you determine whether your vehicle meets the rules for emissions and safety.

Here’s how to use the TfL Vehicle Checker:

  • Go to the TfL Vehicle Checker Page
  • Type in your number plate
  • Choose the country where your vehicle is registered (UK or Non-UK)
  • Get information about whether your vehicle meets the requirements.

Note: Failure to choose the correct country of registration may result in penalties.

Factors Affecting ULEZ Compliance With Your Car

1. Age of the vehicle

Older vehicles, made before tough emission rules, might not follow ULEZ laws because they emit more pollution. Newer rules make it harder for older vehicles to meet ULEZ standards.

2. Fuel type and engine size

Diesel vehicles usually create more harmful pollutants than petrol ones. Bigger engines also usually cause more pollution than smaller ones.

So, cars with small petrol engines are more likely to follow ULEZ rules than those with big diesel engines.

3. Exhaust Emission Standards

The rules for how much pollution cars make are what mainly decide whether they follow ULEZ laws. Cars entering ULEZ areas must follow certain rules regarding the amount of pollution they let out.

For instance, there are Euro 4, Euro 5, and Euro 6 standards, which show how clean cars are. Cars that meet higher Euro standards usually follow ULEZ laws better than those meeting lower ones.

What to Do If Your Car Is Not ULEZ Compliant

1. Pay the daily charge

If your car doesn’t meet ULEZ standards, you must pay £12.50 every day to enter the ULEZ area. This lets you still use your car there, but you have to pay extra.

2. Upgrade and retrofit your car

You can also switch to a car that follows ULEZ rules. This might mean buying a new or used car that meets the emissions standards to enter the ULEZ area.

Depending on how your car emits pollutants, you might be able to add special equipment to make it follow ULEZ rules.

This could mean putting in devices to control emissions or making other changes to lower pollution.

3. Sell the non-compliant vehicle

If upgrading or retrofitting your current car is too expensive or difficult, you might decide to sell it and buy one that follows ULEZ rules.

Selling your non-compliant car lets you get back some money and switch to a car that’s better for the environment.

4. Use alternative transportation options

If you can’t do any of the things mentioned before, you can look at other ways to get around the ULEZ area.

This might mean using buses, trains, bikes, walking, or sharing a ride with someone who has a car that follows ULEZ rules.


This article talks about ULEZ compliance and how to check if your vehicle meets the standards. Following ULEZ rules also saves money by avoiding fines.

We suggest taking care of your vehicle, considering other ways to get around, and staying up-to-date on ULEZ rules.